“They’re still young. They don’t need to decide just yet!”     

Sound familiar?  

It’s not just you. Many parents unconsciously believe that it’s ‘too early’ for their teenagers to know exactly what they’re going to pursue when it comes to university or career pathways.   

Parents just want to buy as much time as they can for their child, letting them ‘figure it out’ and not ‘put too much pressure on them.’ Whatever the reason is, it’s usually with good intentions.  

Sure, your child might have just started Year 9 or about to enter Year 12. Maybe they still have yet to undergo subject selections or haven’t really thought about university courses.   

There’s no harm in leaving them with it for a little bit, right?  

Not quite.   

In this article, we explore the hidden costs and real consequences of not having a direction and not making a decision for your child right now. We also share two ways to break this cycle and give your child a clear path to better university and career opportunities.  

The Ignorance Tax: Cost of Indecision  

‘Ignorance tax’ is the price for not knowing what we should know right now. Your child can’t get to where they need to be when they don’t have a clear direction for their future. Instead, they end up paying for this cost. 

According to a 2023 survey by Monash University, over 40% of Australian secondary school students admit to having prevalent feelings of anxiety with no future direction. Struggles with distractions, picking schoolwork over friends or social media and procrastination —these are all natural consequences of not having that clear direction. 

It doesn’t end there. Because your child struggles with these consequences, they forfeit marks and can’t reach their full academic potential to achieve their best ATAR results.  

Without the results, they easily miss opportunities that can quickly equate to hundreds and thousands of dollars lost in their earning potential within 5-7 years after graduating from university. Instead of earning a higher-than-average salary, they can get stuck with an average wage.   

These consequences compound through time without anyone noticing it, stacking your child’s odds against them.  

Two Ways to Stop Paying Ignorance Tax  

So, how can you help your child get a clear direction, become more motivated for school and stop paying the ignorance tax once and for all?  

#1. Be curious, not judgemental.  

You can start with something as simple as a question. Your child might not be comfortable talking about their future just yet, so it’s important to come from a place of curiosity rather than judgment.   

Instead of asking, “Why don’t you want to talk about it?”, you can ask “What are you unsure about?” This type of questioning can empower your child to describe exactly what they’re struggling with and possibly lead the conversation to their aspirations for their future. 

#2. Create a Personal Navigation System. 

Wouldn’t it be great if your child had a specialised turn-by-turn navigating system so they understand different route options for their future?  

Based on a 2022 study by the University of Sydney, personalised learning helps students develop a clearer sense of direction, leading to better outcomes in both academic and mental health. That’s why at Kalibrate-Ed, we support parents and students with a Future Navigator, a personalised ‘learning GPSsystem that serves as a roadmap and guide for your child as they chart their path.   

The Future Navigator is built on your child’s unique learning profile. It aligns their strengths, needs and goals, detailing specific steps so they arrive at their definition of future success.  

#3. Plan ahead for their future.

Get one step ahead and plan for their university and career pathways as early as now. This helps assure you peace of mind and ensure they’re set up for the best possible opportunities in their future. 

We’re hosting an expert session for Year 10-12 parents with three of Australia’s leading experts on teen motivation, study skills and career advice to share their practical tips and strategies. The unique, interactive session is designed to help you create a University Plan to get your child into their preferred university course without missing out. 

Your Choice of University’ happens on Wednesday 25th September at 7:00 PM online via Zoom. Don’t worry of you can’t be there! We’re recording the session, but you have to sign up to get the link and other exclusive in-session resources from our experts. 

If you want to brainstorm or get more advice on building your child’s personalised navigation system so they can overcome the consequences of ignorance tax, our education strategists are ready to support you. Schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation with us and set up your child for better future opportunities.  

Click here to start: https://calendly.com/kalibrate-ed/lets-chat.