The Education Tipping Point

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The July holidays are a critical tipping point that can determine if your child’s academic results and well-being will go up — or if they will go down. 

If you’re the parent of a Year 7-12 student who wants to improve their child’s marks, resilience and ATAR success in Semester 2, then join us for this live expert discussion.  

‘The Education Tipping Point’ is a unique online event designed to support parents like you with the practical strategies you need to guide your child through the most impactful part of the school year. 

We discuss ways to help your teenager build a strong runway for Years 11 & 12 and achieve a higher ATAR so they can access better university and career opportunities. 

Hear from Australia’s leading experts on career and university planning, academic productivity and well-being. 

Learn ways to help your child:  

  • Create a senior school plan that gets them into their ideal university course. 
  • Boost academic productivity so they get higher marks without getting distracted. 
  • Become healthy, resilient teenagers who can balance academic success with well-being.  

Come along to engage with experts, ask questions, and walk away with the knowledge to make a tangible difference to your child’s academic and future career success. 

Register for FREE access to the live session, exclusive resources and recordings! 


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