Cognitive Adaptors: Empowering Struggling Students

Students raising their hands in the classroom

Raising a teenager is not easy – let alone supporting a child with learning challenges when it comes to schoolwork.  

The lack of sustained focus on assignments, the constant procrastination and distractions, and the challenges in self-confidence and peer relationships… The list continues, and it can seem like a never-ending cycle for everyone involved.  

The thing is, your child is not alone in this. And there is a crucial role that parents can play in recognising and addressing diverse learning needs in children so they can get the tailored support they need to really flourish.   

The Most Prevalent Learning Challenges: ADHD and Dyslexia

Two of the most prevalent learning challenges affecting Australian students are attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia. The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne projects that one in 20 children in Australia have ADHD. While the Australian Dyslexia Association suggests that up to 10% of the population may exhibit symptoms of dyslexia. The effects of these learning barriers can range from mild to severe, making it more effort to implement complex instructions and integrate information from multiple sources.     

How Cognitive Adaptors Help

Cognitive adaptors are designed to optimise the learning process by tailoring it to each child’s learning style and unique profile. For children who struggle to focus when it comes to completing assignments on time, getting good marks or motivation, having an accurately calibrated cognitive adaptor can be a game changer to help your child boost their academic performance and confidence.  

Students reading a book in a library

Recently, we worked with Matthew on creating a cognitive adaptor that allowed him to take control of his anxiety and ADHD, so he could focus and achieve his goal of getting into engineering at UNSW. Matthew faced academic challenges that traditional methods, like textbooks and tutoring, failed to address because they didn’t account for how his brain worked. Having a cognitive adaptor enabled him to study more consistently with less fatigue, and better focus during exam responses. As a result, his marks skyrocketed. But most importantly, Matthew rediscovered his confidence and a renewed sense of direction that reignited his motivation to keep working toward his goals.  

Core Benefits of Cognitive Adaptors

The advantages of cognitive adaptors extend far beyond academic improvements. With a cognitive adaptor, your child can reap benefits for their mental health and overall well-being. 

Students celebrating their win

Here’s how the tailored approach could benefit your child in high school:  

  1. Effective study habits: Cognitive adaptors help children with learning disabilities cultivate more effective study habits, resulting in noticeable improvements in marks across all subjects. 
  2. Stress reduction and enhanced motivation: With this tool, children can reduce stress levels while boosting motivation and providing a clear direction in their studies. 
  3. Better results with less effort: Children using cognitive adaptors often achieve better results with less effort, which helps optimise their academic potential. 
  4. Increased productivity and organisational skills: Cognitive adaptors help children develop essential attributes for academic success, such as productivity, organisational skills, and proactivity. 
  5. Opportunities for a brighter future: By improving their academic performance, cognitive adaptors open doors to better university opportunities, ensuring a brighter future for students. 

Pursuing a tailored approach, such as a cognitive adaptor, helps ensure that your child with learning disabilities can adapt to any educational environment. With the tool in their arsenal, they can perform at their best.   

For that to happen, parents need to take the first step. At Kalibrate-Ed, we can help you develop a more personalised strategy to shape the learning experiences for your child. Click here to connect with one of our education strategists and schedule a quick consultation: